
Easily Handle The ‘I Need To Speak To’ Objection

The 5% InstituteHandling Sales Objections Easily Handle The ‘I Need To Speak To’ Objection
I need to speak to sales objection

Easily Handle The ‘I Need To Speak To’ Objection

The I need to speak to sales objection is one of those sales objections that can easily derail your sales efforts.


You’ve perhaps gone through your sales process; building rapport, asking the right sales probing questions and even presented your offer.


Then just as you think you have the sale; you’re delivered the I need to speak to sales objection.


In this article, you’ll learn how to handle the I need to speak to sales objection with ease, so that it doesn’t come up later in your future sales conversations.



Easily Handle The ‘I Need To Speak To’ Objection In This Guide



Where Does The ‘I Need To Speak To’ Sales Objection Come From?



Prior to learning how to diffuse the I need to speak to sales objection, it’s first important to learn where the objection comes from in the first place.


Generally, it’ll come from one of two places.


These are either they genuinely need to speak to someone else, or they’re using it to politely say that they’re not interested.



It’s Genuine



The first reason as to why the I need to speak to sales objection may come up in the first place, is because you may genuinely be speaking with a person who hasn’t got the authority to make a buying decision.


Many Sales Professionals and Business Owners make the mistake of doing something called Premature Presentation.


They present to the first person they engage with, hoping that they’re in a position to decide on whether to proceed or not.


One of the most important parts of the sales process, is qualifying your potential clients.


Although many Business Owners or Salespeople in service type roles usually do this in their sales conversation, we recommend that you should actually do this prior.


The way to do this, is through something called a discovery call.


A discovery call allows you to quickly qualify if they’re the right fit for your business, whether they’ll benefit from what you sell, and if they’re qualified to make a buying decision.


To learn more about qualifying the right way, read the linked article directly below.


Related article: Qualifying Sales Leads – A Step By Step Guide



They’re Not Interested



The second reason why people may use the I need to speak to sales objection, is because they’re not interested – but don’t want to offend you by telling you plainly that they don’t find value in your product or service.


A big reason as to why Sales Professionals and Business Owners don’t deliver enough value in their sales conversations, is because they make the conversation about their company, their products, or their services.


Put simply – they make it about them.


An important ingredient when positioning yourself as a trusted advisor, is to make the conversation all about your potential client.


What is their situation?


How are their pain points affecting them; and what does it mean to have those pain points?


What is their desired outcome?


When you ask deep diving questions, you’ll make the conversation about them.


Once your potential client can see that you genuinely care about their wants and needs, you’ll be able to later bridge the gap of where they are, where they need to be – and how they can get there using your product or service.


Related article: Value Based Selling – Your Ultimate Guide



How To Handle The ‘I Need To Speak To’ Sales Objection



The best way to overcome the I need to speak to sales objection, is simply by preventing it from coming up in the first place.


Below is a step by step process we recommend using to ensure it doesn’t happen again.


This isn’t a sales script; instead, it’s a format or structure to guide you with your sales conversations.



Get Permission To Ask Questions



The first step to handle the I need to speak to sales objection, is to let them know that you’ll need permission to ask them questions.


This is so that you can ascertain as to whether you can actually help them or not.


By letting them know you’re not completely sure you can help them and will need to ask questions to find out – you gently put them at ease, because they’ll feel comfortable that you won’t try and sell something that they won’t benefit from.



Remove The ‘I Need To Speak To’ Sales Objection



The second part to defusing the I need to speak to sales objection, is to find out who the product or service is for, and then learn who the decision makers are.


As mentioned, many Sales Professionals and Business Owners make the mistake of having a full blown sales conversation; only to learn later that they’re not a decision maker, or the person the product or service is for.


Simply ask, that by the end of your conversation; if they were interested in your product or service, is there anyone else they’d need to speak with prior to making a decision?


If they say no – then fantastic; not only have you found the decision maker, but you’ve also prevented the I need to speak to sales objection from coming up later.


If they do in fact say yes, and that they do need to speak with someone else for permission or to make a buying decision, find out who they are and see if they can partake in your deep dive conversation.


The reason this is important, is because it’ll prevent you from having to go through the whole process again.


Secondly – it’ll prevent the situation where your potential client does the selling for you.


You want to be the person who does the selling, so that you can control the sales process.


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You may need to have multiple sales conversations, or you won’t have access to the decision maker straight away.


If this is the case, simply ensure that they allow you to have access to them after your sales conversation, so that once again – you’re in control of the selling.


Related article: Positioning In Sales – How To Sell Effectively



Final Thoughts On The ‘I Need To Speak To’ Sales Objection



As the saying goes, prevention is always better than the cure; and the same is true for the I need to speak to sales objection.


Try to get decision makers to be present up front prior to your deep dive sales conversations.


If they can’t be present, reschedule if you possibly can.


Furthermore; build value in your sales conversations by making the conversation about them.


As soon as you start making it about you; you’ll turn them off, and they’ll use the I need to speak to sales objection to tell you they’re not really interested.


If you’re interested in learning how to sell easier, register for The 7 Day Sales Challenge here.



Want To Close Sales Easier?



Are you committed to closing sales a lot easier, and consistently?


If so, you should check out our self-paced and affordable online sales training program; The 5% Sales Blueprint.


It’ll give you everything you need to close sales consistently.


To learn more, simply click on the link below for more information.


Our Online Sales Training ProgramThe 5% Sales Blueprint.

Khabeer Rockley

Khabeer Rockley is a Sales & Business Trainer, and the Founder of The 5% Institute

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